Chakra Stones Chart poster (printable)

Chakra Stones Chart poster (printable)
Chakra Balancing with Crystals: Color and Healing Gemstones Therapy for each of the 7 main chakras of the human body
KarmaWeather's Chakra Stones Chart infographic is a fun and educational tool for yoga and Indian culture enthusiasts.
After purchasing this service,* you will receive an email with a personalized link allowing you to download KarmaWeather's Chakra Stones poster in pdf format. For your personal use only, you may choose to print the Chakra Crystals & Gemstones Wall Art in A3 size to use as a guide for meditation & yoga lessons on your bedroom or gym studio wall. The Healing Crystals Chakra Poster for download displays 28 different gemstones and semi-precious stones for the Root, Sacral, Solar plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown chakras.
Technical information: Illustration in high resolution (300 dpi), in A3 format (29.7 x 42 cm), in CMYK (special printing colors), downloadable in pdf. Other possible print size from the same file: A4 (21 x 29.7 cm)
Upgrade your home decor with quality illustrations & wellbeing tips
Perfect for meditation & yoga, ready to print, KarmaWeather Art Posters for Sale are unique and affordable wall art prints to hang in bedrooms, offices and dorms.
* The displayed price of this service is exclusive of tax. A 20% VAT rate will be added at checkout to the total cost of the service (including shipping cost for physical products). Read KarmaWeather Shop’s Terms.