Koi Carp poster (printable)

Koi Carp poster (printable)
Illustration of two intertwined Koi Carps, Feng Shui Lucky Charm
Associated with the Yin Yang symbol, the KarmaWeather 2 Koi Carp poster brings luck, fortune and prosperity in Feng Shui.
After purchasing this service,* you will receive an email with a personalized link allowing you to download the KarmaWeather Koi Feng Shui fish illustration in pdf format. Intended for your personal use only, you can choose to print the painting of the golden Koi carp and its white & red spots companion in A3 size to display as a Feng Shui lucky poster (Chinese elements: Water, Metal and Fire ) on the wall of your bedroom or office.
Technical information: Illustration in high resolution (300 dpi), in A3 format (29.7 x 42 cm), in CMYK (special printing colors), downloadable in pdf. Other possible print size from the same file: A4 (21 x 29.7 cm)
Upgrade your home decor with quality illustrations & balancing tips
Perfect for meditation & Feng Shui, ready to print, KarmaWeather Art Posters for Sale are unique and affordable wall art prints to hang in bedrooms, offices and dorms.
* The displayed price of this service is exclusive of tax. A 20% VAT rate will be added at checkout to the total cost of the service (including shipping cost for physical products). Read KarmaWeather Shop’s Terms.